FAQs regarding implementation of the Affordable Care Act

Q1: My employer offers employees cash to reimburse the purchase of an individual market policy. Does this arrangement comply with the market reforms?

No. If the employer uses an arrangement that provides cash reimbursement for the purchase of an individual market policy, the employer’s payment arrangement is part of a plan, fund, or other arrangement established or maintained for the purpose of providing medical care to employees, without regard to whether the employer treats the money as pre-tax or post-tax to the employee. Therefore, the arrangement is group health plan coverage within the meaning of Code section 9832(a), Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) section 733(a) and PHS Act section 2791(a), and is subject to the market reform provisions of the Affordable Care Act applicable to group health plans. Such employer health care arrangements cannot be integrated with individual market policies to satisfy the market reforms and, therefore, will violate PHS Act sections 2711 and 2713, among other provisions, which can trigger penalties such as excise taxes under section 4980D of the Code. Under the Departments’ prior published guidance, the cash arrangement fails to comply with the market reforms because the cash payment cannot be integrated with an individual market policy.(6)

Q2: My employer offers employees with high claims risk a choice between enrollment in its standard group health plan or cash. Does this comply with the market reforms?

No. PHS Act section 2705,(7) which was incorporated by reference into ERISA section 715 and Code section 9815, as well as the nondiscrimination provisions of ERISA section 702 and Code section 9802 originally added by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), prohibit discrimination based on one or more health factors. Offering, only to employees with a high claims risk, a choice between enrollment in the standard group health plan or cash, constitutes such discrimination. While the Departments’ regulations implementing this provision(8) permit more favorable rules for eligibility or reduced premiums or contributions based on an adverse health factor (sometimes referred to as benign discrimination), in the Departments’ view, cash-or-coverage arrangements offered only to employees with a high claims risk are not permissible benign discrimination. Accordingly, such arrangements will violate the nondiscrimination provisions, regardless of whether (1) the cash payment is treated by the employer as pre-tax or post-tax to the employee, (2) the employer is involved in the selection or purchase of any individual market product, or (3) the employee obtains any individual health insurance.

Such offers fail to qualify as benign discrimination for two reasons. First, if an employer offers a choice of additional cash or enrollment in the employer’s plan to a high-claims-risk employee, the opt-out offer does not reduce the amount charged to the employee with the adverse health factor. Rather, the employer’s offer of cash to a high-claims-risk employee who opts out of the employer’s plan effectively increases the premium or contribution the employer’s plan requires the employee to pay for coverage under the plan because, unlike other similarly situated individuals, the high-claims-risk employee must accept the cost of forgoing the cash in order to elect plan coverage. For example, if the employer’s group health plan requires all employees to pay $2,500 toward the cost of employee-only coverage under the plan, but the employer offers a high-claims-risk employee $10,000 in additional compensation if the employee declines the coverage, for purposes of discrimination analysis, the effective required contribution by that high-claims-risk employee for plan coverage is $12,500 – that is, the $2,500 required employee contribution for employee-only coverage under the employer’s plan plus the $10,000 of additional compensation that the employee would forgo by enrolling in the plan. Because a high-claims-risk employee must effectively contribute more to participate in the group health plan, the arrangement violates the rule that a group health plan may not on the basis of a health factor require any individual (as a condition of enrollment) to pay a premium or contribution which is greater than the premium or contribution for a similarly situated individual enrolled in the plan.

Second, the Departments’ regulations generally permit providing, based on an adverse health factor, enhancements to eligibility for coverage under the plan itself but not cash as an alternative to the plan. In particular, the regulations permit providing plan eligibility criteria that offer extended coverage within the plan and subsidization of the cost of coverage within the plan based on an adverse health factor.(9) An example in the Departments’ regulations illustrates that a plan may have an eligibility provision that provides coverage to disabled dependent children beyond the age at which non-disabled dependent children become ineligible for coverage.(10) Another example in the regulations illustrates that a plan may provide coverage free of charge to disabled employees, while other employees pay a participant contribution towards coverage.(11) However, in the Departments’ view, providing cash as an alternative to health coverage for individuals with adverse health factors is an eligibility rule that discourages participation in the group health plan. This type of arrangement differentiates based on a health factor and is outside the scope of the Departments’ regulations on benign discrimination, which permit only discrimination that helps individuals with adverse health factors to participate in the health coverage being offered to other plan participants. The Departments intend to initiate rulemaking in the near future to clarify the scope of the benign discrimination provisions.

Finally, because the choice between taxable cash and a tax-favored qualified benefit (the election of coverage under the group health plan) is required to be a Code section 125 cafeteria plan, imposing an effective additional cost to elect coverage under the group health plan could, depending on the facts and circumstances, also result in discrimination in favor of highly compensated individuals in violation of the Code section 125 cafeteria plan nondiscrimination rules.

 Q3: A vendor markets a product to employers claiming that employers can cancel their group policies, set up a Code section 105 reimbursement plan that works with health insurance agents or agents to help employees select individual insurance policies, and allow eligible employees to access the premium tax credits for Marketplace coverage. Is this permissible?

No. The Departments have been informed that some vendors are marketing such products. However, these arrangements are problematic for several reasons. First, the arrangements described in this Q3 are themselves group health plans and, therefore, employees participating in such arrangements are ineligible for premium tax credits (or cost-sharing reductions) for Marketplace coverage. The mere fact that the employer does not get involved with an employee’s individual selection or purchase of an individual health insurance policy does not prevent the arrangement from being a group health plan. DOL guidance indicates that the existence of a group health plan is based on many facts and circumstances, including the employer’s involvement in the overall scheme and the absence of an unfettered right by the employee to receive the employer contributions in cash.(12)

Second, as explained in DOL Technical Release 2013-03, IRS Notice 2013-54, and the two IRS FAQs addressing employer health care arrangements referenced earlier, such arrangements are subject to the market reform provisions of the Affordable Care Act, including the PHS Act section 2711 prohibition on annual limits and the PHS Act 2713 requirement to provide certain preventive services without cost sharing. Such employer health care arrangements cannot be integrated with individual market policies to satisfy the market reforms and, therefore, will violate PHS Act sections 2711 and 2713, among other provisions, which can trigger penalties such as excise taxes under section 4980D of the Code.

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