Now Available: 2016 KYNECT Recertification Training for All Insurance Agents & KYnectors

The 2016 Annual KYNECT Recertification training is now available. This training is required for all assister types to continue your certification and participation with KYNECT for the 2016 open enrollment and plan year.

Recertification Training for Insurance Agents & KYnectors

Insurance agents and KYnectors certified before January 1, 2015 are required to take the three (3) pre-requisite web-based trainings released in April/May 2015, as well as the insurance agent and KYnector 2016 KYnect Recertification web-based training. These trainings review key concepts and explain upcoming changes to KYNECT.

New Certification Training for New Insurance Agents & New KYnectors

Insurance agents and KYnectors that have not been previously certified with KYNECT are required to take the original updated insurance agent and KYnector web-based trainings, any supplemental or pre-requisite web-based trainings posted throughout 2015, and the exam in order to be NEWLY certified, participate with KYnect and have access to the KYNECT system.

Click here to access the KOHBIE-TRIS training portal

For technical support, please contact the KHBE-TRIS office at

For information regarding the process with KYNECT and the Online Gateway, please contact

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