“Setting Goals & Learning Marketing Concepts” Webinar Series Overview

We partnered with The Marketing Squad to create a series of Marketing Webinars, free for our agents and followers to download at any time! We want to be sure we spread the news about these value-driving resources available to you.

The title of the first webinar in this series was, “Setting Goals and Learning Marketing Concepts.” It focuses on assessing your business message, your target audience, and then setting goals around those. We also discussed tips for tracking your progress.

This webinar is a marketing tool to help you define your marketing goals and strategies. Even if your sales or marketing efforts have not previously been planned in advance but rather a disjointed approach, that’s ok! You have to start somewhere. Or maybe you’ve been in business a long time, it’s important to reassess and start with fresh eyes towards how well you’re sharing your business with your target audience. This particular webinar is a great stepping stone for you to utilize while you intentionally set goals and pursue your agency’s sales and marketing.

The webinar is broken down into five parts that makes it easy to comprehend, retain, and make a plan-of-action around your marketing goals. It focuses on the concepts of: Leads, Inbound Marketing, The Buyer’s Journey, Building a Foundation, and Setting & Tracking Your Goals. We give you a little sneak peek below.

How You Can Set Goals and Actually See Results


The first component of our “Setting Goals and Learning Marketing Concepts” webinar series is Leads. Leads is who you are targeting through your marketing efforts and are potential customers. These leads have a specific want, need, or problem and they are looking for a solution. Your products and/or services could be their answer. Leads opt in to your brand in some form or fashion- from engaging in your social media to attending an event you host. You should be targeting your marketing to gain leads: both marketing and sales leads.

Inbound Marketing

The nature and industry of marketing has evolved over the last ten to twenty years- and will continue to do so. The way that consumers engage in marketing content and the way marketers can reach them is becoming more challenging with how saturated the market has become. Inbound Marketing Methodologies is changing the way we can approach marketing from Traditional Marketing techniques. To keep up with the fast-paced digital age, you must ask yourself these two questions: How can we make our brand/message rise above the noise? and Are we continually adapting and improving? If the answer to these questions is no, you need to assess where your company is at compared to others in the digital space and market around you. We all want to set ourselves apart from our competitors, and Inbound Marketing is key.

The types of content that you will focus on to target your audience consists of blogging, email, social media, downloadable content offers, and digital advertisements/landing pages. The content you provide will engage your audience and entice them to keep coming back for more. The biggest advantage of Inbound Marketing is the tangible results you achieve; you are able to track your results more efficiently than with Traditional Marketing.

The Buyer’s Journey

The journey of your buyer starts as a stranger and moves through “the funnel”, as we refer to it as, until they reach the level pf promoters, which is where we ultimately want a buyer to end up. The three main aspects of the Buyer’s Journey that you should focus on is marketing content, marketing strategies, and your audience. All three of these factors should be viewed and based around where the buyer falls in the funnel. The five stages of the funnel for a buyer is: Stranger, Visitor, Lead, Customer, and Promoter. This process allows businesses to adapt and meet their needs through a customer experience. Buyers want to feel like their needs are being heard and that your company can provide the means to met those needs. That is how a buyer journey’s from the beginning of the funnel to the end. The main takeaway from The Buyer’s Journey is that Understanding your Audience + Targeting Your Efforts to your Audience = Better Conversion.

Building a Foundation

In order to move forward, you must have a starting point. Then you must build a foundation and create a plan. How can we build a plan? We have outlined an 8-step process in our webinar you can follow.

  1. Your Brand Differentiators
  2. Know Your Audience
  3. Audit Your Assets
  4. Flip the Script
  5. Target with The Funnel
  6. Make your Message and Direction clear
  7. Set and Track Your Goals
  8. Plan.. to keep it up and be consistent

Once you have a strong foundation, you can base all of your marketing efforts around it and will be set up for success.

Setting and Tracking Your Goals

To begin setting and tracking your goals, you must determine the benchmark of where you are currently at on your road to reaching these goals. This will help you to set both small and large goals. We have attached a sheet that can be used to specify which areas you want to see growth in- from social media followers to sales leads- and track the level of growth you reach over time. This sheet will be sent to your email when you download the webinar.

Context for Setting Your Baseline

Data and research show that a year of consistent marketing efforts will yield a 25% increase in social media presence and reach. This number can be even higher if you use paid advertisements, etc. to expand your reach and audience. Successful businesses see around 3% click-through rate of Email Conversions to links on your website. This number may seem small, but this kind of engagement and name recognition from your audience is beneficial for you.

When setting specific numbers for your goals, you should take into account these percentages and do not feel discouraged by these numbers. It’s also good to remember that you have to start somewhere to be at an even greater place a year from now. Provide clear messages, target your audience, and give your CTA (call-to-action) in a direct way to see the results you want and reach your unique goals.

At AgentLink, we are eager to continue to share more helpful information on how to improve and enhance your marketing through all our free webinar presentations, available on our Resources Page. Do not miss out on this opportunity to download these free tools to assist in setting goals and learning more about marketing concepts. Download the “Setting Goals and Learning Marketing Concepts” webinar here. We hope this will be beneficial information to you as you increase your agency’s marketing.

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